We try to be very careful with load management, but sometimes you might make jumps in training intensity or volume that your bones and connective tissue aren't yet ready to handle. Shin Splints are a very common issue for runners.
Here are a couple of things that could help.
Running Form
Run Tall (stand as tall as you can w/ out standing on your tippy toes)
Leaning too far forward/back will negatively affect your efficiency and can lead to injury
Sometimes shin splints can be caused by over-striding. Try to increase your stride rate into ~180 strides per minute range.
Shin Splint Prehab/Rehab
Calf/Shin Raises - 3x30
Heel/Toe Walks - 2x20 yards
Seated Theraband Dorsiflexion/Plantarflexion - 3x10
Seated Theraband External/Internal Rotation - 3x10
Toe Pick-Ups - 1x15 each leg
Towel Scrunches - 3x15
Ankle ABC's - do the ABC's on each foot